Industry Giants 2020 Postponed

Industry Giants 2020 Postponed A Letter from the President of A Bunch of Short Guys Greetings short guys and gals, one and all, near and far… It is with great sorrow and regret that the leadership of A Bunch of Short Guys has made the difficult decision that Industry...

Artist Spotlight – Elise Hatheway

Elise Hatheway is a Visual Development Artist working in animated features in Dallas, TX. Raised in Louisiana, she was constantly surrounded by a rich creative culture and knew her life would be filled with art. She graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design in...

Artist Spotlight – Edwardian Taylor

Edwardian Taylor is a Visual Development Artist and Children’s Illustrator living in Dallas, Texas. Currently, he’s been freelancing for several studios on some really fun and cool projects for: Reelfx, Out of Order Studios, Dreamworks TV, Nickelodeon/...